Comments for Canary Independent Media That Disrupts Mon, 27 May 2024 14:16:26 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Keir Starmer just LIED that there’s no money to lay cover for the super rich by kiers Mon, 27 May 2024 14:16:26 +0000 In reply to billkruse.

….oh “they’ll pony” alright ! In a Quasi-Kwarteng second!

Comment on The general election is no longer about politics. It’s about morals – and the Tories and Labour have none. by Hunter Mon, 27 May 2024 10:47:03 +0000 We are being ruled by millionaires and that is NOT democratic.

Comment on Rishi’s ‘mandatory’ national service is already a confusing, unpopular mess by Annold Kaynine Mon, 27 May 2024 09:17:17 +0000 The only reason for proposing this lunatic policy is to encourage younger people to vote for Starmer’s Labour Party in order to oppose it. If Labour win a working majority at the next election, the ruling classes, the establishment and corporate business will have maintained control of the UK government. Nobody in their right mind would propose a policy of mandatory national service at this point in Britain’s history and expect anything other than people voting to oppose it.

Comment on Rishi Sunak’s family is accused of ‘sheltering’ from UK tax by General election is exposing the moral vacuum of our politics » rarticlesub Sun, 26 May 2024 10:12:10 +0000 […] or poor. Basically, if you’re not an Oxbridge educated, racist, corrupt prick who likes to avoid paying their taxes – you’re pretty […]

Comment on Keir Starmer just LIED that there’s no money to lay cover for the super rich by billkruse Sat, 25 May 2024 12:23:48 +0000 Indeed. We know from recent history that when push comes to shove the BoE will pony, so why isn’t Labour proposing to use that facility?

Comment on BBCQT audience member destroys Labour’s Bridget Phillipson – leaving her with no way back by Tom Clother Sat, 25 May 2024 10:58:22 +0000 So The Canary is recommending voting for the Liberal Democrats now? To quote: ‘Literal neo-fascists.
Far-right Tories.
Right-wing Tories with red rosettes.
Centre-right Tories with orange ties.
Sometimes Tories with some other decent people but all of them wearing green cardigans.
The Canary’s advice to you is don’t vote for any of the first three on that list at the general election’

Thanks for your advice but I will be sticking to voting for the Green Party. They are by no means perfect but their manifesto is the closest to what I think needs doing.

Comment on Keir Starmer just LIED that there’s no money to lay cover for the super rich by Hunter Sat, 25 May 2024 06:26:06 +0000 Starmer, along with his cabinet, is a MILLIONAIRE!

Comment on I write about DWP failures for a living – and now its the reason I’m losing my vital benefit by BlimByrne Fri, 24 May 2024 13:24:25 +0000 Send it ‘signed for’ on delivery, ALWAYS, costs coupla quid at a post office, you get a tracking number & you can lookup when it arrives- even if its just at an opening centre, its an excellent stick to use against DWP bullshit.
Photocopy yr forms before u send em- most modern phones will take a photo of it.

Comment on Genocidal Israel’s furious response to latest pro-Palestine moves shows it’s too used to acting with impunity by Hunter Fri, 24 May 2024 11:29:57 +0000 Both the leaders of Hamas and the leaders of Israel should be facing the ICC for war crimes.
Biden and Sunak should also be there as they are aiding and abetting the Israeli genocide.

Comment on Trump claims Biden wanted him DEAD. OK girl, keep telling yourself that. by Hunter Fri, 24 May 2024 10:55:56 +0000 The man (?) is mentally deranged.

Comment on More than 100 MPs and Lords demand UK government respects ICC effort to arrest Netanyahu by Hunter Fri, 24 May 2024 10:52:38 +0000 This country is complicit, along with America and others, in the genocide that Israel is enacting.
We are supplying the wherewithal for Israel to maim, kill, and target journalists.
By killing journalists and banning Al Jazeera, Israel is trying to hide their illegalities.

Comment on I write about DWP failures for a living – and now its the reason I’m losing my vital benefit by billkruse Thu, 23 May 2024 13:05:04 +0000 IIRC, mail didn’t used to go to the DWP until after it went to a special section of the Royal Mail to be checked for suspect devices and so on. It could sit in there for God knows how long before being forwarded to the actual DWP so it really did need to be tracked at every possible stage of the journey. It was widely understood using the prepaid reply envelope which came with forms invited disaster and that the envelope itself, once filled, should be stuffed into a covering envelope (or more likely a parcel in some cases) sent Special Delivery to take advantage of the tracking. Then when the DWP would claim non-delivery it could be established through the tracking the problem was with the Royal Mail sitting on the item rather than any tardiness in sending it on behalf of the claimant. There was considerable and understandable consternation about this when it was made public as it meant unqualified Royal Mail staff were being given access to claimant’s most intimate health details. I find myself wondering if this can still be the case given GDPR…
However, I see from looking at the Govt site the procedure carried out by DWP personnel involves their creating scans of all documents received after which originals are returned to claimants and copies logged on to the system. It would be nice to think this was performed prompt upon receipt but knowing the DWP it seems more likely items received could be hanging around, again for God knows how long, before being opened, scanned and logged. The problems this can cause are obvious and no doubt account for the issues you’re having, underlining once again the necessity of accurate tracking.

Comment on Labour already blasted by doctors over NHS plans – and it’s only day ONE of the general election by Jonno-2 Thu, 23 May 2024 10:31:07 +0000 Wes Street … Another bastard who’s bought and paid for !

Comment on Human Rights Watchdog announces inquiry into DWP killing disabled people by Alexander Thu, 23 May 2024 08:57:26 +0000 I am a bit surprised as I thought the EHRC had been packed with pro Tory’s? Maybe even they can’t stomach this?

Comment on Snivelling Paula Vennells’ white woman tears are only because she got caught – yet still she lies by ChrisLP Thu, 23 May 2024 08:34:59 +0000 Vennells is a terrible person but: “White woman tears” is despicable phraseology. “Many white women cry because their tears elicit sympathy.” And there I was thinking that “crocodile tears” ( as they used to be known) were a genderless, colourless, human trait. Had she happened to be a black woman what would her self-pitying tears have been called then?

Comment on I write about DWP failures for a living – and now its the reason I’m losing my vital benefit by DrailD Thu, 23 May 2024 08:17:14 +0000 Dear Rachel,
Believe me, I TOTALLY sympathise with and understand your horrendous situation, and I salute your work in bringing the DWP’s systems and behaviour to a wider audience – I have many politicised disabled friends.
Having experienced similar problems to yourself I know, when they can, they ALWAYS use Royal Mail Special Delivery with important or time restricted forms going to the DWP. (These forms can require doctors letters and other difficult to get supplementary forms and signatures).
As I understand it, Special Delivery is the only mail service which tracks the mail at EVERY stage of the journey.
I just felt people should be made aware of this, as it is worth it for peace of mind.
Of course, cash-strapped disabled people could find just a few pounds for this extra postal security financially out of reach. And they SHOULDN’T have to resort to such a cost in the first place!
I hope you get your frightening situation resolved quickly.
Kindest regards,

Comment on Rishi Sunak has announced National Turd Polishing Day on 4 July – SORRY, the 2024 general election by David Palmer Thu, 23 May 2024 06:53:39 +0000 Another way for politicians to waste huge amounts of money by bragging and slagging off each other, why the Tories can’t see they will lose and donate the money to a worth while cause, they prefer to give it to already rich social media and media outlets. They are all stupid.

Comment on Human Rights Watchdog announces inquiry into DWP killing disabled people by jeff3 Thu, 23 May 2024 06:12:16 +0000 For crying out loud another one how bloody many now have we had hmmm still people’s dying has of their cruel ways ruled by our MPs who really should be fighting against government isn’t life strange history repetition itself aktion T4 rolling along with out much of a ado. Yet on it goes another looksies at this government we blame the DWP but it’s their masters the politicians who are the real masters of this inhuman ways don’t hold your breath

Comment on Doctors FURIOUS as Labour’s shadow NHS secretary shows he still doesn’t know how the NHS works by Airlane1979 Wed, 22 May 2024 12:09:20 +0000 The doctors’ main organisation, the BMA, has a history worse than that of the Labour party, bad as that is. Bear in mind that Nye Bevan said he had to “stuff the doctors’ mouths with gold” to persuade the BMA in 1948 to support the creation of the NHS. And the BMA has said and done nothing in response to the healthcare catastrophe in Gaza, for which the UK is so closely linked.

Comment on The government profits to the tune of £3.3 BILLION from people’s gambling – with £1bn coming from the National Lottery by Airlane1979 Wed, 22 May 2024 12:05:03 +0000 Lotteries are taxes on people who are bad at maths. Few Britons are so poor as to be that desperate, surely?

Comment on High Court rules that Tory government crackdown on protests is illegal by Hunter Wed, 22 May 2024 10:12:52 +0000 Under Patel and Braverman we are being pushed into becoming a police state.

Comment on Boys’ bikes: Choosing the best ride for your son by Marion Newton Wed, 22 May 2024 08:43:12 +0000 Is this article for real? Do girls not ride bikes?

Comment on Corporate capitalists are still the biggest winners of Labour’s Great British Energy by N.M. Wed, 22 May 2024 08:11:58 +0000 Thnx, good report, very informative.

Comment on High Court rules that Tory government crackdown on protests is illegal by N.M. Wed, 22 May 2024 07:58:44 +0000 Good work Liberty, I’m pleased I been supporting.

Appeal better get put down hard and the perps brought to justice!

Comment on DWP has now stripped OVER 180,000 people of their benefits in forced move to Universal Credit by Cronk Wed, 22 May 2024 06:28:43 +0000 By far the biggest bill for the Welfare astate are Pensions. But 2/3 of that bill is paid to less than 1/3 of Pensioners……Retired Civil Servants. For over 3 decades now the Taxpayer has been picking up the bill for the insolvent Civil Service Pension Fund. The vast majority of these pension ars totally unrealistic and as a consequence the CBI estimate the Pension Fund has a black-hole of THREE TRILLION POUNDS!!
This is what bankruptcy Greece nd needs urgent attention now!!!

Comment on ICC prosecutor officially seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu – but will the UK protect him? by Madge Tue, 21 May 2024 10:58:04 +0000 Hamas and specifically the alQassam brigades, the military wing, are a resistance organisation. They have the right in International Law and UN resolutions to use military means to fight occupation, racism and apartheid. I understand why they are being charged, to try and mitigate the reaction from Zionists, but it’s like charging the French Resistance alongside the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Comment on Why is fuel poverty so challenging in Scotland? by Cailleach bheag Tue, 21 May 2024 10:23:31 +0000 Scotland generates more clean energy than the rest of Britain combined. Westminster siphons it off to supply England, but doesn’t pay us for it. Why do we tolerate the domination of a parasitic neighbour?

Comment on Welsh language campaigner LOSES fight over parking fine but exposes ineffective Welsh government at the same time by David Thu, 16 May 2024 13:48:17 +0000 In reply to Alexander.

Thank you for publishing this article, it is an important matter. And thank you also for taking the trouble of translating it into Welsh which shows understanding of the fundamental issue of language equality.

Comment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Peace and Justice Project have something to say on Nakba 76 by Hunter Thu, 16 May 2024 12:40:35 +0000 I am totally ashamed of my government and America’s government.
They are despicable; all of them.

We, and America, need revolution.

Comment on Welsh language campaigner LOSES fight over parking fine but exposes ineffective Welsh government at the same time by Alexander Thu, 16 May 2024 08:56:48 +0000 I hope the Welsh government will now change the law so there is no ambiguity about the use of Welsh in Wales.
As to the comment above, yes to some this may seem trivial but the world never stops and we must endeavour to live the best way we can and use that ability to choose to help others.

Comment on Welsh language campaigner LOSES fight over parking fine but exposes ineffective Welsh government at the same time by Jonno-2 Wed, 15 May 2024 21:27:21 +0000 Your readers will have to forgive me if I find this a firestorm of humbug in a bureaucratic tea cup.
Good people in the Middle East are having bombs dropped on their heads today in a genocidal war of attrition by a cruel, vindictive apartheid state.
And we read above “… the Welsh Government needs to correct the serious flaw in the legislation in order to ensure that the people of Wales can use the Welsh language in all aspects of their lives.
FUCKING GROW UP – – – For Heaven’s sake !!

Comment on Violence against LGBTQ+ people SURGING in Europe, new report finds by A J R Wood Wed, 15 May 2024 17:57:06 +0000 Please just consider for a minute whether why you always refer to a LGBTQI+ ‘community’. LGB people have a natural same-sex sexual orientation. They were born with this, and we rightly object to the idea of ‘conversion therapy’. However trans and intersex people do not accept the gender they were born with and even promote the idea of ‘therapy’, even surgery, based on self-identification. Now how adults identify themselves socially is up to them, but it is not abusive if others dispute their assertion that gender is not biological but a personal choice or something ‘assigned’ by authority. In short, transgenderism denies the existence of buological gender altogether and this dehumanises and preys on people much as the advertising industry has done its best to undermine people’s self confidence and psychological stability for many years. Of course there are a (very small) number of people who are neither xx nor xy chromosomes. They could celebrate that, or they could decide if they wished to adopt a male or female persona. But if children and vulnerable people especially are undermined , confused snd exploited, made to feel they are inadequate, in the wrong body, it may make money for certain physicians therapists and pharma companies but it is abusive.

Leave the kids alone. Stop turning people into victims. And stop trying to portray anyone who cannot accept this dehumanising totalitarian technocratic agenda a ‘bigot’. It’s offensive and untrue.

in particular ender is not a consumer choice and if people are uncmforta cannot reasonably force other people to agree with that identification.

Comment on Will VR and AI Be the Casino Industry’s Golden Ticket? by massage massageforu Wed, 15 May 2024 08:56:51 +0000 Welcome to Fairplay your gateway to a world where justice, integrity and excitement meet. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into everything Fairplay has to offer, from its core principles to its diverse range of gaming experiences. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the scene, Fairplay promises you an ethical and immersive gaming journey like no other.

Comment on Rishi Sunak’s plans to criminalise rough sleeping have been slammed, as substance-related deaths are set to rise by royjenkins284 Wed, 15 May 2024 06:50:08 +0000 Rishi Sunak’s plans to criminalise rough sleeping have been slammed,
as substance-related deaths are set to rise Rough sleeping: Sunak does NOT have the answer, With at least 309,000 homeless people in the UK, which is estimated to rise by 14% within a year, addiction rehabilitation experts at Rehabs UK have highlighted the concerning relationship between homelessness and drug-related deaths.
Tell us voter before G.E. vote Mr Sunak what % of homeless people are
Armed forces X personal you Tories dumped put out on our street of U.K.
And what% are illegals boat people and illegal Green Card overstayers you Tory govt have lost contact with now making it a crime to be living on our streets will NOT Cut down the deaths Mr Sunak and Tory Minister including the dodgy Tory M.P. that back this sick JOKE.
Lets have some truths here Tory C**p Govt the cut to Benefit help put more on the streets the changing of laws & rules to get benefit help also put more people on our streets as well as armed forces people you Tories took their home away from to house the illegal Boat people you let into the the barracks they lived in Mr Sunak your Tory Govt KICKED THEM OUT OFF.
I tell you would help this Tory Mess is if you, personal Mr Sunak paid for a large building knowing you are rich Unelected Tory P.M. Mr Sunak them turn it into a hostel for the homeless ONLY.
Q—Mr Sunak where are you going to house the criminal on our streets living now prisons are out they are full to the TOP sir fining them knowing they will not pay the fines we leave council to find them somewhere to live cutting down the local areas budgets as Govt funding get cut to our councils now.
Well Tory M.P. knocking on our door at G.E. telling us you have solved the homes mess by making it a crime to sleep on our street will NOT get Tory M.P. voters the increasing of Homeless people was a Tory party policy all you Tory M.P. voted to pass years ago have you already forgotten you Tory created the largest % Homeless mess in the first place now Sunak want to make ALL the people homeless criminal that will not help them get work with a criminal record also Tory M.P. What a dumb way to solve the homeless problem is your leader skilled at being a P.M. of U.K. or just a IDIOT you Tories voted for not us public to trash our country fully NOW???

Comment on David Cameron is shamefully lying to the country over UK’s £1bn arms sales to Israel by jeff3 Wed, 15 May 2024 05:02:38 +0000 The man lied about his offshore accounts if you think this person even blamed his father for it a liar to the end

Comment on How do you write an essay? by ForbiddenZOne Tue, 14 May 2024 18:31:49 +0000 Having read the article, I found it to be a valuable resource for honing my essay writing skills. The step-by-step guide provided a clear roadmap for navigating the complexities of crafting a well-structured and persuasive essay. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on selecting a focused topic and conducting thorough research to support the arguments effectively. The tips for creating an outline and developing a strong thesis statement were also insightful and practical. Additionally, the mention of reputable essay writing services as helpful partners in the writing process was intriguing and something I might consider exploring in the future. Overall, I feel more confident about tackling my next essay assignment after reading this comprehensive guide.

Comment on Chaos for Starmer as more skeletons tumble from Tory defector Elphicke’s closet by Hunter Tue, 14 May 2024 15:46:18 +0000 In Starmer’s STP (Substitute Tory Party) she will fit in just nicely.
The whole of the Shadow Cabinet lies through their teeth.

Comment on There are now over 1.5 million chronically ill women unable to work – yet the Tories just stigmatise them by judith Tue, 14 May 2024 07:27:54 +0000 If only these politicians (I include Starmer, Streeting, Reeves et al in Labour) could experience en masse a few years of , say, CFS/ME, or Long Covid. These truly disabling conditions are a living hell for so many people, and we are just left to get on with it whilst being demonised as scroungers, liars and criminals. There is no help available doctors are not interested, the media is Largely toxic, And echoes the government rhetoric, which is all about money. If you’re not a productive unit, you do not matter. This was blatantly displayed During Austerity, and then the Covid crisis. Government has been castigated by the United Nations for Cruel and unusual treatment Of disabled people on more than one occasion But it just brushes the evidence aside

Comment on #SwindonsSundaySermon: Keir Starmer – the ‘NeverEnding Tory’ by kiers Mon, 13 May 2024 14:17:59 +0000 DNC USA no different. Cryptofascist Biden. As dangerous as Trump. We fail the Turing test every election. Demockrasy

Comment on Chaos for Starmer as more skeletons tumble from Tory defector Elphicke’s closet by Gnu Mon, 13 May 2024 11:28:34 +0000 Won’t be long before Stephen Laxative-Lemon of the EDL is invited into Starver’s regime cabinet.

Comment on David Cameron suggests we would support Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Rafah by Gnu Mon, 13 May 2024 11:23:24 +0000 FWIW, the US “pause” on artillery shells to Israel were not due to any moral qualms, Biden has no morality. It was purely because the US *has no shells to send*. They are empty. US forces in America itself are using emergency-purchased Korean shells for training.

As for Cameron, he is a sociopath, as amoral as Biden.

The “Butcher of Libya” has no limits on civilian casualties, his London regime deliberately killed over 100,000 disabled Brits, a warm-up to the 80,000 OAPs directly murdered in private corporate care homes.

Let s not imagine these are ‘good’ people whatsoever.

The only people they care about are the wealthy, banksters, and psychopaths like themselves.

Comment on #SwindonsSundaySermon: Keir Starmer – the ‘NeverEnding Tory’ by Gnu Mon, 13 May 2024 11:14:56 +0000 IngSoc Starmer?

I’m sure we’ll be fine. Permanent poverty, war, starvation, and misery are probably good for you.

He’ll certainly ‘retire’ wealthy, after his good service to America and Israel.

Comment on #SwindonsSundaySermon: Keir Starmer – the ‘NeverEnding Tory’ by judith Mon, 13 May 2024 08:16:11 +0000 It’s an utterly depressing prospect.
How different from the energy and enthusiasm of Corbyn years. Yes, I know, that’s in the past, but it is undeniable as to its enthusiasm, inclusivity and message of hope.
This particular incarnation of the labour party is a tragic travesty of the Labour Party of the mid 20th century. Totally opposite, in fact. Indistinguishable from the Tories. And
yes, we do need the Tories out. But not to exchange for an even worse, if that’s possible, (and why wouldn’t it be)? further right -wing bunch of authoritarian establishment politicians masquerading under the Labour banner. I despair. And I don’t see how I can vote for them .

Comment on #SwindonsSundaySermon: Keir Starmer – the ‘NeverEnding Tory’ by Glenda Mon, 13 May 2024 07:42:39 +0000 I totally agree. Well said.

Comment on #SwindonsSundaySermon: Keir Starmer – the ‘NeverEnding Tory’ by Vaughan Melzer Mon, 13 May 2024 07:03:21 +0000 Thank you for this accurate (and grim) description.
Perhaps we could re-name the Labour Party: The New ConLabour Party – written and pronounced like the Scottish Mac – Vote ConLabour – the great new Party and answer to all our woes!!!!
I like Con because it combines two words of major significance in this respect.

Comment on Starmer’s latest RACIST DOGWHISTLE stunt dressed up as policy HAS to be seen to be believed by kiers Sun, 12 May 2024 15:44:04 +0000 Look there is nothing wrong in controlling migration, humanely, and without malice if the public decides on it.
Immigration is NOT only a “UK thing”. Exceptional navel-gazers dont’ know….there’s immigration EVERYWHERE on the planet. However, the Anglo reich is unique. It uses “the left” to anchor it’s fascist deep state. So, in the US you have the DNC in bed with the Azov battalion and Netanyahu. If “the left” is running fascist wars, what does that leave the right to do? They are free to fly their “freak flag”. This is the Anglo reich’s trick. We the people have NO CHOICE.

Comment on It’s telling that Starmer’s Labour is a “good, natural fit” for hard-right defected Tory MP by jeff3 Sat, 11 May 2024 03:09:48 +0000 Oh dear oh dear another red tie but really a Tory ouch

Comment on Eurovision welcomes genocidal Israel as more mass graves uncovered in Palestine by frank_freeman Fri, 10 May 2024 11:23:38 +0000 Some people want to boycott it completely, but I was delighted when people who had got inside, booed the Israeli entry. (I saw this on you tube, I have not watched the Eurovision in decades)

Comment on It’s telling that Starmer’s Labour is a “good, natural fit” for hard-right defected Tory MP by Davidhallett Fri, 10 May 2024 07:08:40 +0000 As if I needed a reminder why I left the Labour Party. It is more clear than ever that we are heading for a landslide election lead by tories in all but name.

Comment on David Cameron just had the names of 11,500 dead Palestinians brought to his private front door by kiers Wed, 08 May 2024 16:24:00 +0000 Nothing will change. You don’t understand the psychopathy. Nero. Machiavelli. Caligula. Adolf. You don’t understand the leadership class:
